Monday, June 26, 2006

A Walk In the Woods and What I Found There Con't


Blogger Swil said...

Nice work Slo! What camera are you using?

I think I like the car wreck the best, but your shutter was a little slow, when I looked at the full image I noticed a bit of motion blur. The framing is excellent.

The fence one also rocks (tho is also slightly blurry). Have you experimented much with the difference between wide angle (zoomed out) and tight angle (zoomed in)? You obviously had a somewhat wide angle on that fence one, which gives it that strong sense of perspective.

5:40 AM  
Blogger The Borg said...

Thanks Shaun!

I was used Dad's digital camera and I have pretty shakey hands and no tripod - hence the blurr. But can you overcome that with shutter speed (without a tripod)?

I did use a bit of zoom on some of them, but I mainly used manual framing; crouching in the grass.

But I have much to learn from good photographers like you - maybe you can teach me some technical stuff (which I know little about), if that's okay with you.

6:14 AM  
Blogger Swil said...

There's a big difference between an image where you've filled the frame by zooming in and by moving closer to your subject. Experiment with it and see.

You're probably using your dad's camera in auto mode, and it probably slowed the shutter speed as it looks like it was getting a little dark where you were. See if you can control your iris & shutter manually, and up your shutter speed (you'll have to conversely open up your iris). A speed of above 1/50 should be fine to get steadier shots.

You might wanna read up somewhere on how things like lens angle, aperture (iris) and shutter speed will affect your picture. The basics are pretty easy to grasp, and will immediately give you a better idea of what you're doing.

6:47 PM  
Blogger The Librarian said...

I like the blurry runner, makes me want to run!

3:18 PM  

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